My Favorite Kind of Morning

Hi friends! Happy Tuesday to you! How was your long weekend?  Mine was quite lovely – tiring yet relaxing at the same time.

Last Friday, my siblings and I woke up early to go to Nuvali for our LSD.  Each one of us had a different distance goal in mind as we were all training for different races.


The last time I ran in Nuvali was in February for my 2nd marathon.  Now I was back and I had a completely different perspective.   One of the decisions I made going into the Condura marathon training was to be kind and less hard on myself. But that doesn’t mean I will be lax on my training. I know that discipline and self-control are crucial in completing the program.

We all started running at the same time and when we reached the first steep hill, ouch, it hurt.  Hills are definitely my weakness and my greatest challenge.


It was J-Cip’s and Joy’s wedding anniversary.  Of course we stopped to take a photo with this heart-shaped tree. ❤


Nuvali is not flat and it’s a challenging course but I absolutely love running there.  It’s one of my favorite places to run.



It’s getting really hot now.


The Abrio loop. I’m still convinced that this is the most difficult part of the course.  Why is it always so hot out there? Jehan told me I looked exhausted, and I was. I already ran out of water and was very thirsty at that point.  But still I finished my run. Whew!  I gave myself a pat on the back.  Good work, girl.

Each one of us achieved our goals that morning. And so before heading back, we decided to reward ourselves and bought boxes of the Original buko and pineapple pies. I thought you could only get them from Los Banos but I was pleasantly surprised that they have a newly opened branch in Sta Rosa.

0riginal buko pie

We also bought puto and kutsinta from a vendor on a motorcycle. He had this big basket full of yummies securely fastened to the back of his bike and we just couldn’t resist. Carbs galore! Haha please give us a break. 😛

When we got back, we hit the pool right away because it was just too hot that morning. My niece Jessica joined us.


Ahh, my kind of morning: a good sweat, delicious food, spending time with loved ones, and then a short nap afterwards.

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