Ice Skating, Check!

Last week I formally started my 20-week training for the Condura Skyway Marathon.  I downloaded a beginner’s training plan from the internet and while studying it I thought, “How can I make this training cycle more enjoyable?”  You see, my last marathon was filled with drama.  The year 2013 was the year when our family experienced fiery tests and trials.  I read my posts from last year and they were melodramatic.  Haha, sorry about that.  But the Lord is faithful and things are brighter now.

For this marathon, I thought I’d put in more time cross training.  I need to work on my balance, hamstrings, and core which includes my abs, lower back, hips, and butt.

Last Wednesday, my niece, Jessica invited me to go ice skating.  That’s right, we live in a tropical country but here we could ice skate the whole year round inside a mall.  Anyway, of course I said yes.  How hard could it be?  I watched her skate before, she was graceful and it looked easy. I thought it would be a good cross training for balance and for my butt.  When I watch winter Olympics, I always notice that ice figure skaters all have nice butts.

And so I put on my ice skates and the moment I stepped inside the rink, I knew I was in trouble.  It was so slippery! Who would have thought? (smacks forehead). Anyway, I held on to the wall for dear life (there were no railings to hold on to!) and after five minutes of struggle, I was sweating profusely. What if I fall?  I could easily break my ankle or worse, my hips, after all, I’m not a spring chicken anymore.  Then that would be the end of my marathon training. I looked at Jessica and she glided smoothly across the ice with a smile on her face.  I thought, “Why did she invite me? Maybe she hates me very much.” Haha.

It took me 15 minutes to make it back from where I started, and if you are familiar with the Southmall rink, you’d know that it’s not so big. I was ready to give up but my sister wasn’t there because she went shopping! Argh!  Ok then, I gave it another go.  This time it took me 10 minutes to finish the loop.  Then five.  Oh I was getting faster!  On my 8th loop, I got enough confidence to sometimes let go of the wall.  Nice.

I was on my 12th loop when finally my sister came back. I asked her to take photos.  I should have proof that I did it, right?  Haha. She said, “Go to the center, away from the wall.”  She asked Jessica to help me.

ice skating

There’s something wrong with this photo: The adult is the one wearing the helmet! LOL

ice skating


Look Ma, no hands!

I should head back to the wall. But where’s Jessica? Uh oh.

ice skating

Help me!
ice skating

Whew! Fortunately, I did not fall and I made it back to the wall by myself.


Hurray!  I survived  75 minutes of ice skating without falling. That was enough for me. I was done.  My thighs, butt, lower back, abdominals, and right arm hurt.  “Your arm?” asked my sister.  Yes, my right arm because I used it to hold on to the wall.  Haha!

It was an adventure and a nice workout, but will I do it again?  Perhaps not.


6 thoughts on “Ice Skating, Check!

  1. Good job! I recall my first time to ice skate at Mega mall with my friends in college. It was so scary especially since I had no experience in rollerblading or skating – I was a glass hugger! LOL. You look very good!

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